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Standard library

  • assertions: Miscellaneous assertions (same nodes, same edges etc.).
  • bipartite: Bipartite graph helper functions (coloring, projection etc.).
  • canvas: Canvas rendering routines for graphs.
  • communities-louvain: Louvain method for community detection.
  • components: Connected components (strong, weak etc.).
  • dag: Functions related to directed acyclic graphs (cycle detection, topological sorting etc.).
  • cores: Various utilities related to k-cores.
  • generators: Graph generators (random graphs, complete graphs etc.).
  • gexf: Parsers & writers for the GEXF file format.
  • graphml: Parsers & writers for the GRAPHML file format.
  • indices: Various specialized graph indices (neighborhood, louvain etc.)
  • layout: Basic graph layouts (random, circle etc.).
  • layout-force: Basic force layout algorithm.
  • layout-forceatlas2: ForceAtlas2 layout algorithm.
  • layout-noverlap: Noverlap anti-collision layout algorithm.
  • metrics: Modularity, density, centrality etc.
  • operators: Graph unary, binary & cast operators (reverse, union, intersection, conversion etc.)
  • shortest-path: Shortest path functions (Dijkstra, A* etc.)
  • simple-path: Simple path related functions (e.g. all paths between source & target)
  • svg: SVG export for graphs.
  • traversal: Traversal functions (DFS, BFS, etc.)
  • utils: Miscellaneous utils used by most of the other modules.

Interactive rendering

If what you need is interactive rendering of your graphs, in web applications for instance, be sure to check out sigma.js, a webgl renderer designed to work with graphology and which has been created for such endeavors.


Any of the above packages can be installed through npm likewise (just change the name to the desired package):

npm install graphology-metrics

For convenience, an aggregated package called graphology-library also exists and depends on all the listed packages at once for convenience (albeit maybe a little bit more complicated to optimize through tree-shaking).

You can install it thusly:

npm install graphology-library

If you do so, here is how to access the required packages:

// Importing a sub package
import * as metrics from 'graphology-library/metrics';


// Importing select parts of the library
import {metrics, layout} from 'graphology-library';

// Importing the whole library
import * as lib from 'graphology-library';

// Importing the browser-specific library
// (this is important for xml parsers and some layout's webworkers)
import * as lib from 'graphology-library/browser';